Saturday, September 19, 2009

GAPS diet, day 1 & 2

These have been difficult days, to say the least. I've decided to follow the GAPS diet. I'll post later more on what the philosophy of GAPS is all about. In the mean time if you would like to find out more take a look at: or If you struggle at all with GI issues, if your child has allergies or food sensitivities, or has SI issues or is on the autism spectrum then you need to just take a look to see what you think.

So here is what my diet has consisted of:
1. Bone Stock (beef and chicken). I've learned how to make this myself and pretty much have a pot on the stove making some type of stock all the time now. I supposed to drink cups of it with and in between meals but I can't stomach the taste of broth by itself. It reminds me too much of being sick as a child. Bone stock will continue to be a staple in my diet. "Meat stock aids digestion and has been known for centuries as a healing folk remedy for the digestive tract. Also bone-stock meat is extremely nourishing, it is full of minerals, vitamins, amino-acids and various other nutrients in a very bio-available form." GAPS. I'll post later on how I've learned to make it. This was my very first step in the diet overhaul process.
2. Boiled meat and non-starchy vegetables. I'm trying to make soups with these. I've made four different soups and I only liked one of them. It would really help if I were a good cook.
3. Ginger, mint, and chamomile tea.
4. Juice from fermented vegetables. I know that sounds crazy and I'll post on that later. Its not too bad and has great probiotic value.

That's it.

Can you see why its been a hard couple of days. All I can think about is the Chick-Fil-A add I watched on TV. I can feel the hot grease squirting into my mouth as I take my first bite of their fried chicken sandwich. The cravings I've had today are harder than any craving I felt the first week off sugar. I don't crave sugar right now though...that's a positive.

I'm supposed to be on this introduction diet until my GI symptoms normalize. Pray it goes fast.
To read the full GAPS intro diet click here

1 comment:

  1. Kim - you are doing a great job communicating all of this info. I hope your bone stock days are shortlived, too!
